Carrying some no roll sinkers in various sizes and knowing when to use them can really improve your fishing in the right situation. No roll sinkers allow you to fish the bottom in some cases when it would otherwise be difficult or even impossible.
A no roll sinker is a type of sliding sinker. The feature of this kind of sinker that sets it apart is right in the name. They’re called “no roll” sinkers because they’re flat on two sides and thus won’t roll along the bottom when they are fished in current.
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While egg sinkers will roll along the bottom in swift water, no roll sinkers are much more likely to stay put. So wherever you throw your rig is basically where it will stay. It might move a little if there is pressure against your line and you’re using a light sinker. Or if sticks or other debris come downstream and catch your line. But generally speaking, no roll sinkers will hold your rig on the bottom right where you want it.
So you can use no roll sinkers in any situation where you want to use a sliding sinker in current. That means you mainly want to use them in rivers and streams where there is some water flow. But you can also use them in slow water in ponds and lakes, as there really is no downside.
If you could only carry one kind of sliding sinker, you might want to choose no roll sinkers. They’re more versatile than egg sinkers as you can use them in slow or fast water. The only real downside is that they don’t come in sizes smaller than 1/4 ounce. So if you need small sliding sinkers, you might still want to carry egg sinkers or even worm sinkers (also known as bullet weights) which basically work the same way.
There are various types of no roll sinkers available. And they come in a whole host of sizes, though they tend to be larger. You can find no roll sinkers down to a quarter ounce. But they’re more common in bigger sizes. One ounce no roll sinkers are common. So are two ounce, three ounce, or even larger no roll leads.
No roll sinkers are widely available from tackle dealers, but surprisingly they are totally absent from large retailers. A lot of tackle shops will only have limited stock when you walk inside too. So ordering no roll sinkers from the internet is often the best and most economical way to get them. Some online stores have great prices on no roll sinkers and even offer free shipping. That can save a lot of money considering how heavy big lead sinkers can be.
Very good article. Just got introduced to “no roll” sinkers within the last year. May be “wish full” thinking, but I really believe they have helped me.
Hi Randy. Thanks for the feedback. No roll sinkers can definitely enchance your fishing in the right situation.
I purchased some no roll sinkers marked 5 but only weigh 1.2 oz. can you tell me any reason that could be.
I’m not really sure about that. They would normally be marked in ounces. If they were marked in grams that 5 still wouldn’t make sense. There’s a sizing system for egg sinkers but even then a size 5 weighs 3/4 ounce. Maybe they poured the sinker with tin?