Category: Fishing News
News related to the pursuit of recreational fishing.
It has long been believed by scientists and anglers alike that Pacific salmon stop feeding when they enter freshwater rivers and streams for their annual spawning run. Sure, they take the occasional salmonid egg, but it’s argued that this is done out of instinct or to give their own progeny a better chance against the competition. …
A truck washing company was recently fined after pleading guilty to illegally disposing of wash water into several tributaries of the Monongahela River. According to this press release from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission: A Fairfield, New Jersey-based mobile truck washing business pleaded guilty to a one-count Information and was sentenced in federal court in …
Last month, The Fisheries Blog ran a very interesting piece on flow management and trout populations. The author discuses the impact increased flow has had on population in a section of the Colorado River: “A thriving tailwater rainbow trout fishery exists below Glen Canyon Dam in Arizona. The 15 miles between the dam and Lees Ferry …
On September 19, angler Tom Olivio of Montana caught and released what he claims could have been a world record coho (silver) salmon on the Salmon River in upstate New York. The Salmon River is home to an annual fall run of chinook (king) salmon, coho salmon and what remains of the Atlantic salmon after which …
The black kokanee ("kunimasu" in Japanese), which has been presumed extinct for the last 70 years, has recently resurfaced in a lake around 310 miles south of its native lake.