Category: Fishing Locations
Places to wet a line and catch a fish around the world.
Steelhead are an anadromous (sea-run) strain of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) native to the Pacific Ocean and the rivers of western North America and Siberia. But they also exist in large numbers in North America’s Great Lakes, thanks to ambitious stocking programs launched by several states that have at least some of those waters under their …
In the middle of the vast metropolis of Tokyo, nestled alongside the Kanda River, sits Ichigaya Fish Center, a place where urban anglers and freshwater fishkeepers alike mingle on a daily basis. Visible from the city’s well-traveled Chuo Main Line, the center’s “fish park” makes angling easily available to those who may otherwise not have a …
Gimpo Fishing Park (or, literally translated, “Gimpo Fishing Place”) is a medium sized fee fishing area west of Seoul in South Korea. The park, situated in a rural area in the general vicinity of Gimpo International Airport, contains a freshwater pond and an indoor salt water fishing area. Getting to the park takes some doing. You …
Iceland is a relatively young country, geologically speaking. Rising out of the ashes it remains a sparsely inhabited island full of natural beauty, even though it is only a short flight from Europe and the eastern United States. Despite its name, Iceland has a relatively mild climate. During the fishing season, which stretches from April through …
A recently released biologist report from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission indicates an increase in the number and range of fish present in the Monongahela River.
Letort Spring Run is a limestone stream in Central Pennsylvania famous among fly anglers. The creek, which meanders through South Central Pennsylvania, is renowned as one of the finest trout streams in the United States. Known for its extremely selective wild trout, the Letort has long been a proving ground where fly fishing techniques are developed …
Offering an interesting experience to say the least, a number of indoor fishing facilities exist across South Korea. Recently, I traveled to Gold Indoor Fishing in Seoul to try my hand at angling while confined by four walls.
In search of monster blue catfish in the Ohio River in Kentucky.
Paylake fishing has been around for decades. In different areas it has taken on different characteristics. In Ohio, paylakes are known for their giant catfish. In Southwestern Pennsylvania, paylakes are known for their carp contests.